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Dubai has strict laws concerning the use of recreational party drugs like Heroine, Crystal meth and Marijuana, but tend to be more lenient with the use of anabolic steroids like Dianabol. The government has recently started making changes to this law, with new punishments being made to crack down on the use of steroids. To date, most recent law changes included: 1-10-2017 -- A person who buys, possesses, sells, consumes or traffics drugs shall be liable of the punishment provided under law (section 14C of the Criminal Law), legal steroids. A person who manufactures, buys, purchases, imports or export the abovementioned drugs shall be liable of the punishment provided under law. 1-12-2017 -- A person who sells drugs shall not be liable of the punishment provided by the Criminal Law (Section 4A, Articles 13 to 15, Section 4B(a)(i) of the Criminal Law), deco x60. 1-30-2017 -- A person who sells drugs in a public place shall be liable of the punishment provided under law if he/she causes harm to the health of others (Section 13(1), Article 15(2) and 5(d) of the Criminal Law), moobs song. An adult, a minor and an elder shall be liable of imprisonment until their 21st birthday and a fine of Dh2,000 until their 70th birthday, respectively. It is possible for someone to be found guilty of the law. There is also a sentence of a month or a year to be served in prison or detention for violating this law, buy sarms rad 140. Source: Wikipedia http://www, crystal clear winsol 550.cnn, crystal clear winsol 550.com/2017/03/07/middleeast/arabia-drug-trafficking-laws/index, crystal clear winsol 550.html https://www, crystal clear winsol 550.washingtonpost, crystal clear winsol 550.com/world/arabia-drug-laws-marijuana-dope-law-ban-high-risk-transactions/2017/03/15/80cf4e4e-2d62-4dcd-b2d4-1e8a9e2f98c0_story, crystal clear winsol 550.html http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-15/arabia-drug-trafficking-laws-marijuana-dope-law/50391810 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/06/world/europe/arabia-police-unveil-strict-criminal-laws-against-arabia-drugs-after-hundreds-of-arabians-lives-suffer/ http://www, deco x60.abc, deco x60.net, deco x60.au/news/2016-
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